Tireless campaigner celebrates 20 years of serving her home town

Anne Ross presentation <i>(Image: Public)</i>
Anne Ross presentation (Image: Public)

A MUCH-loved community stalwart was honoured for 20 years service to her home town of Port Glasgow.

Anne Ross was recognised at the AGM of Port Glasgow Community Council.

Ms Ross, who is chairperson, was presented with a card and flowers at the meeting.

William Weir, vice chair, said a few words and presented Anne with a card, along with a token of our thanks for her years of service.

He thanked Anne for her commitment to the community, and for her leadership and guidance over the years.

Community councillor Moira Baxter presented Anne with a bouquet of flowers.

As well as the personal celebration, secretary Tommy Rodger said the community council was making plans to mark another milestone next year, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of community councils.

He said: "Our Port Glasgow West Community Council (PGWCC) is planning to celebrate the 50th anniversary; plus we will work together with our new Port Glasgow East Community Council (PGECC), and the Association of Inverclyde Community Councils (AICC)."