Wine bar's very honest job advert gets surprising response

The Five and Lime bar in Guildford posted a very honest job advert  - Twitter / @BeerFaerie
The Five and Lime bar in Guildford posted a very honest job advert - Twitter / @BeerFaerie

Job adverts are meant to attract potential employees, however a Surrey wine bar has risked putting them off with its refreshingly honest approach to hiring new staff.

Five and Lime bar’s tongue-in-cheek job advert promising lousy wages, little benefits and no social life has surprisingly attracted a lot of interest.

Owner of the Guildford bar, Darren Ayres, said he has been “quite taken aback by the interest” the advert has received.

He said competition for catering staff in the area has become “increasingly fierce” over the last few years, blaming the number of coffee shops opening in the town, and so decided to get more creative with his adverts.

“It has meant that we have had to ramp up the message when putting out a job advert having had very little response from a previously more staid advert.

“We ourselves have been caught off guard at the response that has been generated by the window advert both locally and further afield.”

wine bar  - Credit: Reuters 
Fancy working in a wine bar? Credit: Reuters

He added: “It was clearly meant to be tongue-in-cheek, with a touch of honesty thrown in. And we are happy that it made people smile.

“Hopefully my new staff will not keep me to the job description, but you never know!”