Belfast Great Victoria Street train station users tell us what they think about permanent closure

Belfast's Great Victoria Street train station is closing on May 10 and the disruption has garnered a mixed reaction from users.

Translink says it is to connect the new rail lines to the under-construction Grand Central Station ahead of its opening in autumn.

The new transport hub at Weavers Cross will replace the Europa bus station and Great Victoria Street train station - but bus services from the former will continue until Grand Central opens.

Read more: Belfast Great Victoria Street train station to permanently close next month

Passengers, including school pupils, are being advised to use other stations, buses or active travel. Translink say it recognises the disruption the impending closure will cause and have warned traffic could be busier than usual as a result but they will provide alternative buses.

We headed along to Great Victoria train station to see what passengers think about the closure. Eileen Anderson from Coleraine says she uses Great Victoria Street when she travels to Belfast.

She told us: "I don't like that other one [Lanyon Place]."

The closure might pose some difficulties for as her "friend lives up here" and they would use Great Victoria Street "if we are going to shows".

But she did know there will be "a bus substitute" and added: "It will be lovely when it opens, especially having a train every hour or two to Dublin, but it's getting there".

University student, Rebecca O'Kane, told us: "I think it is an inconvenience but I think it's understandable if they are building a new train station.

"There are different ways people can about - they can get the Glider or the bus."

But she added: "I come from Derry so it's going to be a problem for me if I come back up to uni. I do understand why they have to do it. There is no other way... so you just have to work with it."

Some people we spoke to didn't know the station was closing.

John Hamilton from Lisburn said: "So that one there is going to be done away with?"

He added: "I don't think they have any option only to do it. It's all going to be for the better at the end of the day."

Amber McClean from Larne, told us: "I didn't know it until now. It's going to cause a lot of disruption for people especially commuting to work.

"I'm really shocked they are closing it."

Josephine McCallin told us she depends on the train service from Great Victoria station to get into the city.

She added: "I know it's hard for them, they are trying to rebuild, I thought there might have been an alternative.

"Bottom line - I'm not happy. There's a bus but it's not handy for me. It's totally inconvenient. I'm retired but once a week or twice a week [I come in].

"I was very surprised. I only heard yesterday that it was closing [from] May 10 until autumn which is quite a long stretch. I'm not happy."

Student Patrick O'Donnell, from Omagh raised concerns about the impact on young people who rely on public transport.

He added: "For people my age and my demographic, I'd say that being closed until autumn is a disgrace for trying to get about.

"With us and our student costs some of us can't afford cars so that's our only way.

"That would be the main stress and struggle for someone like me."

In relation to the substitute buses he said there are questions about "whether that's convenient or not".

"It could be absolutely packed. That's the thing about trains, they just relieve congestion.

"If they have an extra bus route it's all well and good but trying to get a seat in this city, it's mental."

Translink have advised passengers to use other nearby stations including York Street, Lanyon Place, Botanic, or City Hospital when Great Victoria Street closes. Bus substitution services will also be operational.

A number of road closures will also be in place around the Great Victoria Street area over the coming months as work on the new station progresses.

From April to August, for public realm improvements, a single lane and footpath closure will be in place on the Grosvenor Road westbound starting before Durham Street junction and ending at the junction with the A12 Westlink.

There will also be lane and footpath closures on Glengall Street and the Great Victoria Street / Grosvenor Road junction, From October until project completion, Durham Street will be closed for public realm improvements.

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