'Best kept secret in Hamble' supporting disabled people to explore the sea

Wetwheeels Hamble Director, Tim Hill MBE <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
Wetwheeels Hamble Director, Tim Hill MBE (Image: NQ)

A Hamble charity that gives boat rides to disable people has embarked on a mission to raise its profile by hosting a fun day of boat rides, classic cars and sea shanty songs.

Wetwheels Hamble aims to build disabled people’s confidence by providing them with the opportunity to access the sea by using specially modified, fully accessible powerboats.

In a bid to raise funds and promote their message, the charity hosted a fun day at Hamble Quay that saw a display of historic cars from the Locks Heath Classic Car Club, a convoy of scooters from the Hamble Scooter Club and market stalls for attendees to enjoy.

The charity was also in full swing offering boat rides to disabled people.

Wetwheeels Hamble Director, Tim Hill MBE, said: “We have been here in Hamble since 2016 and we are trying to raise our profile locally and let people know about us and what we do.

Wetwheeels Hamble Director, Tim Hill MBE (Image: NQ) “We joke we are the best kept secret in Hamble – but we want to change that and raise a few quid if we can as well.

“Raising our profile will ensure we can take more disabled families in the years to come.”

The charity has taken more than 10,000 disabled people out on boat tours that would otherwise not have been able to experience boat travel.

Tim continued: “One of the best feelings is seeing people’s faces when they come back on to shore – they have a grin from ear to ear.

“One chap whose wife had dementia said to me ‘thank you so much, you have given me my wife back for half an hour’ – that’s why we do this.”

Also being showcased at Hamble Quay was the Ghostbusters car and a DeLorean time machine from the 1985 classic, Back to the Future.

(Image: NQ) The stunning cars were brought along by the Locks Heath Classic Car Club, run partly by John Davey.

John said: “We have 420 members at the Car Club and we have always been raising money for local charities.

“By the end of the year we will have raised more than £3,000 for Wetwheels – which I think is not bad for a free car club.”

Rocks N’ Groynes (Image: NQ) Also wowing guests with their impressive shanties was the Rocks N’ Groynes group from Lee-on-the-Solent.

They were also raising funds for Wetwheels and encouraging resident to clap and sing with them – bring a jolly atmosphere to the event.