A city (literally) divided - my nightmare bus journey amid Drypool Bridge closure chaos

Traffic queues in Hull city centre -Credit:Hull Live
Traffic queues in Hull city centre -Credit:Hull Live

I went into Hull city centre this week, and couldn’t believe the nightmare that the Drypool Bridge closure has created.

What should have been a simple 20 minute journey soon reached an hour and a half. As someone that regularly uses Hull’s buses, I’m used to a little bit of waiting.

But the first issue that arose when I left Old Town’s High Street was that I couldn’t use the bus stop closest due to the bridge closures. So off I went on a 15 minute walk to find the nearest bus stop on the new route - one on which you have no idea which way you’ll end up going until you’re actually on a bus. In fact, many people at the bus stop were all asking the same question: “Will this get me home?”

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As I waited, I couldn’t help but worry about what the bridge closures would mean for Hull’s Old Town. So many businesses, museums, cafes, pubs, all more isolated due to lack of public transport. What about people who aren’t able to walk long distances? Our older populations, mums with prams - What would this mean for them?

I waited around 15 minutes for a bus - not too bad at all I thought. However, when I got on the bus, I realised that this journey was far from over. A woman a few rows behind me, passing the time by calling someone on her phone, said: “It took me two hours to get home last night. I left work at 5pm, and didn’t get home until 7pm. It’s that bridge, isn’t it?”

It was indeed 'that bridge'. Drypool Bridge - one of the main crossings over the River Hull was subject to 'emergency closures' on Wednesday 10 April. Now, after inspections found the bridge in 'severe' stress, Hull City Council announced further inspections and work would need to take place.

Maybe today will be different, I thought. After all, it had been a week since Hull City Council revealed the bridge would be closed for at least two weeks - with repairs taking up to 12 months. Surely they had put a plan in place to ease the traffic woes?

As the bus turned the corner, it was then I realised that I had better get comfortable because this was going to take a while. Alfred Gelder Street may as well have been a car park. As far as the eye could see were cars and buses - all stationary.

After 15 minutes of no movement at all, many cars began to make U-turns, mounting the pavement, and going in the opposite direction in a bid to get out of the city centre. I think the real frustration was seeing the traffic lights outside of the Guildhall junction turn green, and yet there was nowhere to go.

Traffic was stationary in Hull city centre -Credit:Hull Live
Traffic was stationary in Hull city centre -Credit:Hull Live

More people on the bus began passing the time by calling friends and family: “We haven’t moved an inch in 20 minutes,” and “can you start sorting the kids' tea out? I’m not going to be home for a while.”

I had to feel for these people. I had come into town on my day off and knew I wouldn’t have to make this journey for a while if I didn’t need to. But what about the workers? What about working parents who needed to be with their children?

“I read on Hull Daily Mail that the bridge is just a mess,” I heard another passenger say. Quite right they were - the estimated cost of repairing Drypool Bridge is at least £7m.

Hull City Council inspections carried out last week found the steel within the concrete columns holding up the fixed east span of the bridge were under severe stress. However, with Hull’s bridges being routinely inspected every six months - one has to ask the question, how on earth was it allowed to get this bad?

We made it past the traffic lights, mostly thanks to the fact the majority of other cars had turned around at this point. However, the sight down Lowgate certainly wasn’t any better.

Frustrations were rising on the bus, with comments such as “I could have walked home quicker.” And how right that person was. All in all, it had now been an hour, in which I could have made it home by walking. But that’s no solution for people who have ventured to the city to do their shopping, carrying lots of bags, or people who are just not physically able to walk such a distance.

Besides, I thought, people simply shouldn’t have to. I certainly wouldn’t want to walk for an hour after working.

Steel within the columns under Drypool Bridge has rusted and expanded, breaking through the outer concrete surface
Steel within the columns under Drypool Bridge has rusted and expanded, breaking through the outer concrete surface -Credit:Hull City Council

Thankfully, after further seemingly-endless waiting on Lowgate, we finally made our turn onto the A63. Turning back onto Tower Street must have taken at least another ten minutes, but as we made our way onto Holderness Road, it seemed like the problem was behind us.

In fact Holderness Road and the surrounding area of East Hull were a ghost town for cars. Something you don’t see very often.

While I was glad we could get through the second half of our journey relatively quickly, it did make me feel sad to see how quiet East Hull was. I’ve lived on this side of the city most of my life, and it’s often hard not to feel like we miss out on a lot of things the rest of the city has.

Drypool Bridge, in Hull, which needs repair work that could take up to 12 months to complete
Drypool Bridge, in Hull, which needs repair work that could take up to 12 months to complete -Credit:Hull City Council

The closure of Drypool Bridge only further amplifies this divide between the city. Many people living here rely on travelling to other parts of Hull for anything from shopping to days out.

With an election looming, I was not surprised to hear the Drypool bridge closure had been used for political point scoring. Opposition Labour's Cllr Haroldo Herrera-Richmond, of St Andrews and Docklands ward, said total closures would last longer than the two weeks currently planned and potentially as long as a year. Cllr Jack Haines, spokesperson for the ruling Liberal Democrats , said Drypool Bridge would be fixed as soon as possible and accused Labour of trying to score political points.

So what does that mean for the people of Hull? Right now is not the time for our political leaders to be using the closure as a means to gain leverage. That does nothing to assist the many people of Hull, who right now want clarity and answers - and just to get home.