Gang targeted Asian families' gold in home raids across North Wales

Pictured (clockwise from top left) are Addie Piggott, Todd Wickens, Michael Berry and Kew Delaney
Pictured (clockwise from top left) are Addie Piggott, Todd Wickens, Michael Berry and Kew Delaney -Credit:North Wales Police

A "professional" gang has been jailed after targeting Asian families' gold in burglaries worth thousands of pounds. The plotters, who even ransacked a four-year-old girl's bedroom, raided homes then drove to Birmingham's Bullion Quarter to sell the stolen jewellery.

Mold Crown Court heard they even stole gloves before the break ins and used cleaning products to conceal their DNA. But they devastated victims with one traumatised family sleeping in their living room afterwards to feel safer.

A judge condemned their crimes for causing "trauma, sadness and irretrievable loss". Addie Piggott, 29, of Ruthin Road, Coedpoeth, Wrexham, was jailed for four years and eight months for conspiracy to commit burglary with intent to steal.

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Todd Wickens, 35, of Homestead Lane, Wrexham, was jailed for four years and Kew Delaney, 34, of Ruthin Road, Coedpoeth, was sentenced to four years in jail both for the same offence.

For the single offence of handling stolen goods Michael Berry, 24, of Homestead Lane, Wrexham, was jailed for two years and six months, and similarly Tom Cash 24, of Southsea, Wrexham, was given a 12-month jail term suspended for 18 months. He must do 150 hours of unpaid work. You can sign up for all the latest court stories here

Prosecutor Elen Owen said North Wales Police launched Operation Guard to probe high value burglaries in the Wrexham area. Wickens and Delaney were seen taking gloves from a Wickes store by a member of staff on September 28 last year.

Addie Piggott, 29, of Ruthin Road, Coedpoeth, was jailed for conspiracy to commit burglary in the Wrexham area
Addie Piggott, 29, of Ruthin Road, Coedpoeth, was jailed for conspiracy to commit burglary in the Wrexham area -Credit:North Wales Police

Ms Owen then listed a string of burglaries. That same day the landlord of the Cross Guns Inn in Pant near Oswestry saw three men in balaclavas who ran away. Cleaning liquid bottle was left behind.

The following day on September 29 the occupants of a house in Croesnewydd Road, Wrexham returned home to find their house had been ransacked. A large quantity of gold had been stolen.

There was also the faint smell of cleaning products, the court heard. Later that day a wedding ring and £3,000 cash was stolen from a house on Bennions Road, Wrexham. CCTV footage showed three people wearing masks in the property.

Todd Wickens, 34, of Homestead Lane, Wrexham, was jailed for conspiracy to commit burglary in the Wrexham area
Todd Wickens, 34, of Homestead Lane, Wrexham, was jailed for conspiracy to commit burglary in the Wrexham area -Credit:North Wales Police

The ring had huge sentimental value to the man's wife. Afterwards the family slept in the living room "for comfort to be safe", said Ms Owen.

On September 30 some of the defendants drove to the Bullion Room in Birmingham's jewellery quarter. On another occasion the occupants of a house in Lilac Way, Wrexham returned home to find a patio door smashed and the house ransacked.

An untidy search had been made of the house and loft. Belongings were even "strewn" around a four-year-old girl's bedroom.

Kew Delaney, 34, of Ruthin Road, Coedpoeth, was jailed for conspiracy to commit burglary in the Wrexham area
Kew Delaney, 34, of Ruthin Road, Coedpoeth, was jailed for conspiracy to commit burglary in the Wrexham area -Credit:North Wales Police

Gold jewellery and £3,400 cash were stolen in that raid and the owner no longer works at night as he doesn't want to leave his wife and child alone, said the prosecutor.

There were three more burglaries in October and November last year. In one of them high value jewellery belonging to a three-year-old child was taken, said Ms Owen.

One victim said a wedding ring had "sentimental and religious significance". She added that their "hearts are broken and they can't sleep. The burglary will haunt them for the rest of (their) lives."

Michael Berry, 24, of Homestead Lane, Wrexham, was jailed for handling stolen goods
Michael Berry, 24, of Homestead Lane, Wrexham, was jailed for handling stolen goods -Credit:North Wales Police

Eventually the police stopped Piggott, Wickens and Delaney, with Cash, on the way back from Birmingham in Chirk on November 8. Each had £200 cash and they were arrested. Berry was arrested in Southport the following month.

Piggott, Wickens and Delaney pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit burglaries in offences between September 26 and November 9 last year.

Philip Clemo, defending Piggott, said he will now miss precious moments in his young children's lives while in prison. He is an enhanced prisoner.

Myles Wilson, for Wickens, said his client is determined never to put himself and his family through the ordeal of being prosecuted in future.

Mr Wilson, for Delaney, said his young family has health issues but he won't be there to support them. Trevor Parry-Jones, for Berry, said his client made a single trip to Birmingham which he "bitterly regrets".

And barrister Philip Tully said Cash also only made one trip to Birmingham but accepts what he did was wrong.

The judge His Honour Niclas Parry told the defendants: "This is a case that exemplifies the trauma, the sadness and the irretrievable loss caused by burgling people's homes." The offences left victims feeling "violated and insecure" and some have changed their way of life.

"One family were so distressed they could not tell their family back in India that (jewellery) had been stolen."

He said the defendants had been part of a professional organisation and even stole the gloves involved and used cleaning products to try to conceal DNA.

He added: "You targeted hard working people, those who saved that cash to buy (items), to give to their children. This was targeting Asian families where you knew there was gold and cash."

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