NYC-Dublin portal reopens with limited hours, new guardrails to deter shenanigans

NYC to Dublin portal
NYC to Dublin portal

It’s back.

The NYC-Dublin livestream “portal” reopened Sunday with some new measures meant to deter the deviant and disturbing behavior that forced it to temporarily shut down.

Organizers flipped the switch back on at 9 a.m., nearly five days after the attraction went dark over the antics from both sides of the pond.

But instead of the art exhibit offering a 24/7 video connection between the cities — as was the case — it will now only be live from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Organizers said most actions have been positive. REUTERS
Organizers said most actions have been positive. REUTERS

Guardrails were also placed around the portal, which opened earlier this month, to help prevent a repeat of past offensive acts.

From the Irish side, visitors had gotten up close to the camera and held up phones with sickening images of the 9/11 attacks and swastikas.

In the Big Apple, a pair of OnlyFans creators that flashed their breasts on the livestream.

Both screens will now be blurred if a visitor steps on the portal and obstructs the camera, which organizers called a “proximity-based solution.”

New York’s sculpture will continue to have on-site security during hours of operation with more fencing and signage also in place.

The Dublin side will also have physical design features to deal with the crowd management, organizers said.

More guardrails were put in place to protect against naughty antics. TikTok
More guardrails were put in place to protect against naughty antics. TikTok

“The team will continue making updates as needed to ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy the Portal,”, the Flatiron NoMad Partnership and Dublin City Council said in a joint statement on Sunday.

The portal, which allows people to see, but not hear each other on both sides of the Atlantic, was temporarily closed last Tuesday following rampant, raunchy behavior.

New York’s 8-foot-by-8-foot video screen is located in Flatiron South Plaza.

Some of the behavior has been offensive. Instagram/@avalouiise
Some of the behavior has been offensive. Instagram/@avalouiise
The portal was closed Tuesday before it opened again on Sunday. Reddit
The portal was closed Tuesday before it opened again on Sunday. Reddit

Dublin, Flatiron NoMad Partnership and officials touted that the “overwhelming majority” of the tens of thousands of people who have stopped by the portal since it opened “have experienced the sense of joy and connectedness” from the public art attraction.

“As humans we are creating the Portals experience together,” artist and founder Benediktas Gylys said in a statement.

I invite local communities not only to enjoy but to care about their Portals and how other community members are approaching the sculptures.”