Social club with 'cheap pints' and 'massive' breakfasts makes survival plea

Chiseldon Sports and Social Club reopened last August after an extensive renovation <i>(Image: Dave Cox)</i>
Chiseldon Sports and Social Club reopened last August after an extensive renovation (Image: Dave Cox)

A social club near Swindon has said it must get more members or it will close.

The recently refurbished Chiseldon Sports and Social Club offers discounted drinks and food to members.

However, without more members, club chairman John Taylor says the place will not last.

He said: “We've got to survive. If we can't make it work, bearing in mind we don't charge a fortune for what we do, how's any other pub going to survive?

“But we can only do it on the back of the local community.”

“I've got two young children, a nine-year-old and a four-year-old, and they love the club now.

“I hope we can keep it going so that they can enjoy it when they're older.”

(Image: Dave Cox)

Without the club, John says Chiseldon will lose a vital community resource with a lot to offer.

The club recently started offering "massive" weekend breakfasts to non-members in collaboration with Fat Boy Slim caterers.

But only club members are allowed to buy the £4 pints and they also get a discount on food, turning a £14 meal into a £10 meal.

“Every time you buy a round of drinks, you probably pay for your membership”, John said of the £15 annual membership.

The Club has seen a recent boost in visitors thanks to the Euros, with members being allowed to bring guests.

(Image: Dave Cox)

However, they really want to attract more young members. John said: “We're trying to get the younger element in. If we don't, we won't survive. It's pure and simple.”

“Because we're a club, we rely on membership and we need to get membership up by at least another couple of hundred if we can.”

John decided to take on the club to ensure its survival. He said: “People think I'm off my nut. All my family and friends say, ‘why on earth are you doing this’?

“I say, ‘Because if people don't care and we didn't care, nothing can survive’.”

But he emphasises it is not about him. “The members are the club”, he said. “And everyone in the committee has been busting a gut trying to make it work.”

(Image: Dave Cox)

The Club has pool and snooker tables, BT and Sky Sports and regular entertainment, including quizzes, live music, and a “phenomenal” Christmas party.

“We're about getting families together. That's what it's about. Families in the club of all ages, enjoying themselves.”

Anyone can join the Chiseldon Social Club. Breakfast is weekends 9 to 12am. More information can be found on their Facebook.