Worcester care home to hold D-Day remembrance event

Perry Manor staff member Delia Sazon and resident Mick Belcher <i>(Image: Perry Manor)</i>
Perry Manor staff member Delia Sazon and resident Mick Belcher (Image: Perry Manor)

To mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day a Worcester care home will host a commemorative ceremony open to the public.

Care UK's Perry Manor, on Charles Hastings Way, invites people to a special, open-door event on Thursday, June 6 from 3pm to 7pm.

The commemoration will honour the Normandy Landings with a lamp lighting ceremony.

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Organised in partnership with royal pageant master Bruno Peek, CVO OBE OPR, coordinator of 'D-Day 80 Lamp Light of Peace', the event is a part of a nationwide tribute.

The initiative involves over 100 Care UK homes, community charities supporting the forces, and the Merchant Navy Association.

The team at the care home has planned a 1940s-themed party, featuring popular wartime songs, bunting, flags and team members in period attire.

Worcester News: The event will see more than 100 Care UK homes participate across the country
Worcester News: The event will see more than 100 Care UK homes participate across the country

Fish and chips will also be on the menu, prepared by the in-house culinary team.

During the event, attendees can honour the memory of loved ones lost in military conflict by adding their names to a memory tree.

Proceeds will go to Help for Heroes.

Guests include members from the Scouts organisation, who will assist in marking the event.

Resident Mike Parsons, 83, will share his insights as part of a talk that will follow a video presentation about the wartime landings.

At the end of the day the 'Lamp Light of Peace', symbolising the peaceful end of World War Two, will be lit at 7pm by Patricia Wurmli, who was a child during the war.

She said: "I still remember the feeling from seeing people trying to dig out survivors from the rubble and the cold damp cellars or train stations we would have to run to during raids.

"It is important that we all remember these things and are able to commemorate the end of the war.

"I remember the happiness on everyone’s faces, kissing each other with joy.

"I remember the excitement of taking the tape from the blackouts down."

Katherine Matthews, the home's manager, said: "We’re passionate about building and maintaining relationships within our community here at Perry Manor, so we’re pleased to be opening our doors to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day for an afternoon of sharing memories."