Britain's National Heritage: Buildings given listed status to mark 70th anniversary

A cabbie shelter in London is among several places granted protected status to mark 70 years since the listed building system was first introduced.

Others added to the National Heritage List for England include a First World War wireless station and an underground “hobbit house” – Britain’s first modern earth-sheltered home.

The listing system was established under the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 to protect historic buildings after heavy bombing in the Second World War.

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Five places have been listed at Grade II by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, on the advice of Historic England, to celebrate the 70th anniversary.

Some 710 windmills, 514 pigsties, 13 dung pits and two fairground rides are among the buildings, sites and landscapes granted protected status over the last 70 years.

The list has grown to around 400,000 entries, having first started as an emergency “salvage list” to protect significant places during post-war reconstruction.